League for Digital Boost
An initiative called the League for Digital Boost is emerging in Central and Eastern Europe. The League, a brainchild of SAPIE, creates a broad coalition of actors in the field of digital economy to support digitalization of SMEs.
The digitalization of SMEs entails processes that involve a large number of changes. Our mission is to support the digital transformation of SMEs in Slovakia and within the CEE region by helping small businesses with the implementation of digital tools, raising awareness about the positive impact of digitalization among business sector, entrepreneurs, and also government, identification of key policy recommendations for governments, gathering data, share knowledge and best practices between CEE countries and SME representatives. The main components of digital transformation cover different areas, such as digital skills, cloud & data, digital security and more. Based on numerous feedbacks from the community, our primary focus in Slovakia, is the area of digital security or cybersecurity.
What we do?
League aims to:
raise awareness among SMEs, provide them with educational opportunities or connect them to the network of ecosystem players who could help increase their digital security;
tailor policymaking to business needs via organizing discussion rounds;
building networks of experts and organizations.
The activities are spread in Slovakia, but also over CEE countries and in Brussels with involvement of key unions and associations active in the space of digitalization or SMEs.
League News
Partners of the League
Institutional Partners
Media Partners

Ambassadors and Garants of Cybersecurity & Digital Resilience Pillar

Ondřej Ferdus
Director of Digital Economy & Technology Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Horst Heitz
Executive Director, SME Europe

Katarína Kakalíková
Director of Government Engagement Mastercard

Michal Kanownik
President of Digital Poland Association

Michal Kardoš
Executive Director SAPIE

Jeffrey Lightfoot
Program Director, Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)
Marcin Nowacki
Vice President of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers

Ivan Štefanec
Former Member of the European Parliament
Lucia Yar
Member of the European Parliament