About Us

SAPIE is an independent and non-profit platform whose mission is to empower the Slovak innovation ecosystem. It's the largest professional association representing almost 200 member companies and organizations.


events organized in 2024


member organisations


active projects


SAPIE is a leading platform for policy debate on digital economy and innovation in Slovakia aspiring to unite leaders within the CEE region. It is active in forming collaborative networks of private and public actors, supporting the startup scene and community and enhancing digital transformation of SMEs within the CEE region.


Our policy efforts revolve around actively engaging with policymakers and governments to advocate for strategies and regulations that support innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth.


We drive activities that increase digital, entrepreneurial and managerial skills. These activities enable companies and individuals to grow and succeed in a highly-competitive environment.


We focus on developing a thriving ecosystem that connects businesses, investors, research institutions, government and NGOs to collaborate, share knowledge, and drive economic growth.

Our Journey

Celebrating a decade of existence, our journey over the past 10 years has been marked by unwavering dedication and continuous growth. From our humble beginnings we have consistently strived for and achieved many milestones, thanks to the trust and support of our valued members and partners. As we look ahead, we are filled with excitement and optimism for the future, committed to pushing boundaries, innovating relentlessly, and delivering even greater value. Join us as we continue this incredible journey, building on our legacy and embracing the promise of what lies ahead.

  • SAPIE Forum celebrates the creative power of innovation and demonstrates the strength and potential of the local innovation ecosystem. The forum’s agenda will focus on various pressing topics of today, including Europe’s ambition to become a global innovation powerhouse, the potential of AI to accelerate business growth of European SMEs, current trends in cybersecurity and e-commerce or the ways to boost funding to European innovations.

  • SAPIE in cooperation with partners such as Slovak Embassy in Tel Aviv, IT Valley Košice organizes business missions to inspiring countries all around the world (Israel, USA, Taiwan). Our member companies have the chance to join them and get to know innovation ecosystems, network and build connections.

  • SAPIE’s Regional Innovation Tour came to Lučenec, Banská Bystrica, Žilina and Košice.

  • For our members, we already organized two informal offsite events called Chatovačka. The event is held at the cottage in a very informal atmosphere, where our members could share their success, and news and mainly rest from daily work duties. 

  • In 2014 SAPIE was established by 11 members. 2020 was the year we achieved the first hundred (109) in number of members. In 2024 SAPIE consists of almost 200 members from all around Slovakia and fields such as marketing, gaming, software development or cybersecurity.

  • The Innovation Map Slovakia provided a comprehensive overview of the key players fostering an innovation-friendly environment in Slovakia.