Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
How can policymakers and industry work together to ensure effective digitisation of SMEs
Among more than 3000 SMEs across 11 European countries surveyed, 82% recognise the importance of digital transformation.
Posuňme digitálnu ekonomiku Slovenska medzi najlepšiu európsku pätnástku
Slovensko sa v oblasti digitálnej konkurencieschopnosti od roku 2014 postupne prepadá – z 20. priečky až na aktuálne 23. miesto. Na zreteli preto musí mať štyri priority: pestovať zručnosti u zamestnancov, zlepšovať prácu s dátami a cloudom, chrániť ich a využívať už existujúce nástroje a centrá pomoci, ktorých u nás pribúda.
Digitalisation of SMEs is the key to boost the competitiveness of Central Europe
The V4 countries have a variety of specific attributes that allow businesses to thrive, especially SMEs which have struggled tremendously during and after the pandemic.
CEE Digital Summit Warsaw 2022
SAPIE attended the third edition of CEE Digital Summit Warsaw. With many others high-level speakers we discussed the most pressing issues of today’s digital economy.
Joint letter to President Joe Biden and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen
SAPIE and other associations active in Europe prepared letter to support the digital economy theme between the USA and EU.