How can policymakers and industry work together to ensure effective digitisation of SMEs

The League for Digital Boost representatives participated in the roundtable discussion on how the ecosystem players could work together to support smooth digital transformation of SMEs. 

During the meeting, the study outlining the potential of SMEs, priorities for digitalisation, the barriers SMEs face, as well as recommendations and proposals on what can be done by policymakers and the private sector to ensure effective digitalisation was presented. 

Among more than 3000 SMEs across 11 European countries surveyed, 82% recognise the importance of digital transformation. 

SMEs are willing to invest, but need financial support. 48% of small businesses will invest if they get funding support. According to the survey, tax rebates are most popular, but don’t guarantee SME investment in digitalization. On the other hand, voucher schemes give SMEs up-front liquidity and can link directly to digitalization. 

Other forms of support besides the financial support are needed as well. 56% of SMEs want employee training on how to use digital solutions. 48% of them need digital skills training. 

Policymakers and private sector must work together to enable a supportive policy environment and the right solutions to help SMEs digitalize.


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