Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
Podporný list pripravovanej Národnej stratégii pre výskum, vývoj a inovácie
Združenie siedmich organizácii, ktorého súčasťou je aj SAPIE, oslovilo rozhodujúcich ústavných činiteľov listom verejnej podpory pripravovanej Národnej stratégii pre výskum, vývoj a inovácie.
Joint letter on finalising the EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)
👏 Broad coalition that represents technology and e-commerce companies of all different sizes from across the EU including SAPIE sent a joint industry letter to the European Commission on the finalising of the EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) with 4 recommendations.
Joint letter to support startups, SMEs and technology companies
👏 SAPIE and eight other leading trade associations representing startups, SMEs, and technology companies sent an industry letter to the European Commission on the upcoming revision of the EU liability framework last week with 4 recommendations.
We signed joint letter on data transfer
We, the undersigned organizations, call on the European Commission to ensure that the flow of data within and across the Atlantic is provided with a clear legal framework that continues to support growth and competitiveness and keeps Europe digitally connected to the US.
CEE Digital Coalition’s statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and call for-unity in cybersecurity
We, the digital industry of Central Eastern Europe, gathered around the initiative of CEE Digital Coalition, state our solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and express our utmost outrage in the light of invasion of a sovereign state, Member State of the Eastern Partnership and a dear neighbour of the Three Seas Initiative.