CEE Digital Coalition’s statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and call for-unity in cybersecurity
We, the digital industry of Central Eastern Europe, gathered around the initiative of CEE Digital Coalition, state our solidarity with Ukraine and its people, and express our utmost outrage in the light of invasion of a sovereign state, Member State of the Eastern Partnership and a dear neighbour of the Three Seas Initiative.
Once more we are reminded about the importance of standing united - in the CEE region, in Europe and around the world. Therefore, we wish to call upon our individual governments, framework of the Three Seas Initiative, its pillar of transatlantic cooperation, as well as the entire European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization to recognise the ever higher significance of digital measures for security of any modern sovereign state and make development of cybersecurity one of their priorities.
With the acts of aggression transcending military action and becoming a part of the online, digital world our societies and economies rely on today, appropriate regulations, standards as well as financial support, aiming to increase the level of resilience of our critical infrastructure and every single enterprise and citizens to cyber threats, must be assured.
We remind our leaders of the need to provide an environment allowing us to build and keep cybersecurity talent in our countries and international communities, provide incentive and help to cybersecurity enterprises, promote universal growth of digital skills, educate the general public and experts alike and engage in cooperation, sharing of best practices and mutual help in the field of cybersecurity.
We wish to lend the digital arm of the industry we represent to help our leaders in putting the end to the dreadful invasion, reinstating peace as well as taking measures to assure security, including cybersecurity of Ukraine and appeal for their rapid reaction to the diversified attack we witness today. No one should ever have to face such aggression on their own.