Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
Biznis raňajky: Digitalizácia e-commerce
Až 2/3 SME firiem a 2/5 mikrofiriem sa aktívne venuje digitalizácii firemných procesov. Väčšinu z nich však trápia problémy ako administratívna náročnosť, nevôľa zamestnancov k zmene, finančné náklady či hrozba kybernetického útoku.
Lublin 3 Seas Congress
On the 16th and 17th May 2023, 3 Seas Local Government Congress and Economic Forum in Lublin took place.
Innovations, the driving engine
Innovations are often referred to as the driving engine of economic development. But innovations are also a way to improve the quality of life, support sustainable solutions, attract talent, increase competitiveness, or increase GDP.
Digitalisation of SMEs as the Precondition for Boosting the EU Competitiveness
Digitalization offers opportunities to improve citizens' lives, but it requires understanding and implementation, evolving skills, and cross-sectoral cooperation with stable and transparent regulations.
Digital transformation of Slovak micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
In recent years, Slovakia has regularly been on the unflattering last rungs of the DESI indexes, through which the European Commission annually monitors the progress of individual EU member states in the area of digital competitiveness. Read the report we have prepared in cooperation with Slovenská sporiteľňa.
EÚ regulácie, ktoré sa vás týkajú
Sledujete diane v oblasti EÚ regulácií? Nie? Nech sa páči prehľad najaktuálnejších regulácií, ktoré sa môžu týkať aj Vás.
Digitálne zručnosti v roku 2023
”Digitálne zručnosti a zručnosti celkovo sú jednou z najpálčivejších tém súčasnosti. Aj rok 2023 sa nesie v znamení európskeho roka zručností a podpory vzdelávania.
The League for Digital Boost is summarizing activities
We summarized our activities of the League for Digital Boost for the Q2, come and read what we achieved together with our ambassadors and supporters.
Policy groups are boosting the discussions
Last week we had a calendar filled with meetings of the League for Digital Boost, whose groups are dedicated to accelerating and streamlining the innovation processes we want to achieve as a country with a vision.
The place of the CEE countries in the EU’s digital future
It is critical for the region to plan its digital transformation with a specific vision and set of defined goals. The reform measures should focus not just on the digital legal framework or infrastructure nor create an overhaul of the approach by the governments in the region.
Roundtable discussion on digitization
The roundtable discussion was organized this time in cooperation with the Polish ZPP association, which is a member of the League. The aim was to identify the main obstacles to the digitization of SMEs and to propose recommendations for policy-making.
Digitalization, the way to a simpler life
Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the backbone of any economy. Countries like Slovakia can lose a lot if they delay the activities to support digitization.
How can the state help shift the digitalisation of businesses
The recovery and resilience plan is one of the greatest opportunities to transform your business and increase your competitiveness through external financing. The effective implementation of these challenges and projects will be key to its successful implementation.