Read what is new both in SAPIE and also in the world of innovative economy in Slovakia and abroad.
The Digital Services Act: A step closer to a safer online environment
The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a part of the European Commission’s vision for Europe’s digital future. It is also an opportunity to harmonise the online content in Europe and create a comprehensive legislation that could also set some global standards.
Discussion in RTVS on Digital Services Act
Executive Director Michal Kardoš was invited to RTVS to discuss the Digital Services Act, which the EP wants to change.
Announced ban proposal on targeted advertising is approaching its final form
This topic has come to the attention of several stakeholders, such as entrepreneurs, especially the SME segment, media and platforms operating on targeted advertising revenues and, last but not least, end customers and internet users.
The data economy and how Europe can protect itself from another economic shock
The European Union in Slovakia is perceived mostly positively in most economic topics. It is our main business partner through the single market and thus provides various opportunities for expansion for Slovak companies.
Digital Services Act joint letter
SAPIE joined forces with partner organizations dedicated to the protection of start-up and scale-up ecosystems and sent a letter to the European Parliament commenting on proposed changes in digital services.
Webinár na tému DSA/DMA
V marci pokračovala diskusia na tému DSA/DMA reguláciu, ktorá ovplyvní priemyselné odvetvia. Sme presvedčení, že je potrebný produktívny rozhovor, aby sme mohli presne vyhodnotiť vplyv právnych predpisov na podnikanie v strednej a východnej Európe.
SAPIE pripravilo stanovisku ku DSA/DMA pre MH SR a MIRRI
SAPIE komunikuje s MH SR, ktoré v spolupráci s MIRRI, bude zapojené do riadneho legislatívneho procesu s inštitúciami EÚ na rokovaní o konečnom znení k DSA a DMA.