What can Slovakia change to catch up in innovation with the world?
🚀 Innovation must be an unstoppable force in a country that must move forward, that desperately needs the return of young, hard-working, and ambitious heads, and that also seeks initiatives to get things moving in the right direction. 🚀
One of them is Za Inovatívne Slovensko, of which we are the central element.💙
👥 Startup visas, employee events, or easy communication between citizens and the state - commonplace in the world, the music of the future here?
📣 The ambassadors of this campaign are determined business visionaries who are aware that Slovakia cannot remain on the tail of the world. We would like to introduce you to Majo Porvažník (Vacuum Group), Michal Kardos (SAPIE), Maria Bielikova (KInIT), Peter Kolesar (Civitta), and Matej Ftacnik (Vacuumlabs), together with the support of 50+ innovative companies. 🌍
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