The First Comprehensive Map of the Slovak Innovative Ecosystem is Here

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Slovakia has changed significantly over the past decade - from Europe's production hall to the economy, where innovative ideas receive not only enough space but also the necessary support for growth. The Slovak innovative ecosystem has never been so diverse and has not offered so many options as it does now. In SAPIE (The Slovak Alliance for Innovation Economy), we have prepared the first comprehensive map of the Slovak innovative ecosystem. The map collects in one place key players who create an environment supportive to innovation in Slovakia and create amazing projects with a world name in Slovakia.

Who can be found on the map?

Slovak innovators are mapped into four categories - Network, Support, Education and Funding. The Network section includes players creating a network for entrepreneurs - competitions, associations, conferences, or organizers of innovation events. In the Funding section you can find capital funds that provide finance to young prospective projects in Slovakia. The Education section brings together informal learning institutions dedicated to the development of digital skills or the development of entrepreneurial skills. The last and largest section Support maps support infrastructure in the form of coworking spaces, incubators and accelerators across the whole of Slovakia.

Everyone you find on the map knows why they chose Slovakia as a place to live or do business. We asked them how they would persuade people who are considering Slovakia as their ‘place to be’. The map thus contains 10 reasons why Slovakia is the right place for innovation development. In addition to traditional reasons like a great location or a strong IT industry, we have decided to add a few more unusual ones. What are they? Check it yourself!

Why have we decided to produce a map of Slovak innovators?

Ecosystem maps are a standard reporting tool for different target groups. We have been inspired by maps from the Netherlands, Austria or Israel, which offer an immediate overview of the main players of the ecosystem. The development of innovative ideas by individuals or companies at different stages requires different types of support from funding through a network of support organizations or business partners. The wider professional public also has access to an overview of the entire ecosystem, its size and regional division.

For state administration representatives, the ecosystem map has added value in the form of aggregate information that will help informing decision-makers in promoting innovation in Slovakia. At the same time, the map is a great source of information for newcomers in the market, foreign entities or individuals who want to learn more about innovation in Slovakia.

Very often, in SAPIE, we are confronted with the question where an overview of what innovation in Slovakia offers can be found. That's why we decided to create a clear map that will find all those who work to make innovation the driving force of the Slovak economy in the rapidly changing world of technology. And although there are 1000 reasons why we are in Slovakia, we have chosen our top 10 to convince everyone - even those who hesitate - whether Slovakia is the right country for the flourishing of innovative ideas.

The Slovak ecosystem is growing

The map of the innovative ecosystem was not created in the vacuum. In the initial stage, we communicated with key players of the Slovak innovative ecosystem. The partners of the project are Slovak Business Agency and Neulogy a.s., one of the co-organizers of the biggest startup festival Future Now and the Startup Awards, which is held for the eighth time in 2018.

The current version of the map will be updated regularly. Our effort to provide a comprehensive overview of Slovak innovative ecosystem does not end here. Even after the new year, we are preparing other projects that will map not only the ecosystem, but also the promising Slovak projects and the innovators behind them.

The current form of the map can be found here.


SAPIE reprezentuje Slovensko v spoločnej deklarácii CEE krajín


Vznikla prvá mapa slovenských inovátorov