30 years of innovations in Slovakia
The goal of this report is not to offer a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the Slovak economy as a whole, or of its digital components. Instead, it emphasizes the progress Slovakia has made in the area of digital innovation, as well as the challenges which prevent it from realizing its potential fully. It presents selected data that illustrate the evolution of the innovation environment and point to those areas which require urgent attention and action.
To complement the data, we also included brief interviews with some of the key figures of the local ecosystem. We believe that to remain globally competitive and to strengthen brand Slovakia in the upcoming years, a digital transformation of the economy is inevitable. Some Slovak companies have already demonstrated that it is possible to have global aspirations, and succeed. We hope that this report will serve as a reminder of what has already been achieved, but, above all, as an inspiration for a vision of Slovakia as a modern country, fully embracing the potential of digital technology, an attractive destination for foreign investors, but also local and international talent.