SAPIE Innovation Measures - Snap Elections 2023
Policy Advocacy has been a fundamental pillar of SAPIE since its establishment. With regard to the upcoming snap elections in Slovakia in September 2023, we have established a policy working group which has been preparing a package of innovation measures proposals that political parties can include in their election programs.
The current proposals package consists of three areas:
high quality human capital - the proposed measures suggest more effective business education in post-graduate university studies. Cost-effective adjustements to this stage of studies could create a better and more practice-oriented studies at lower business education levels.
research and innovation at global level - innovative approaches must expand to all sectors therefore we suggest stregthening the innovation capacities of public institutions and centralized control over innovation policies in public institutions. At the same we believe there is a need for a better system of financial support for pre-seed and seed companies.
more supportive business environment - to create a more open business environment we suggest eliminating bureaucracy via improved digitalization of public services and implementing adjustements to tax systems which support creation and success of SMEs.
The three areas represent little to no impact on the state budget and respond to the real needs of the ecosystem. In the following weeks, we will continue with these policy activites and will update you on further developments.
If you believe you could prove useful to the policy working group, do not hesitate to let us know how you can be bring added value to the discussion at