Innovation leaders call led by EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

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It's our honour and a privilege, that Excecutive Director Michal Kardoš represented Slovakia within the group of #innovationecosystem leaders led by EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and her Cabinet.
One representative from each EU Member State. The main topics discussed: #talent #ecosystem #startupfriendlypolicy.

The main challenges faced by startups and technology companies in Europe include addressing differences in innovation in Member States, access to funding, the need for more women-led startups and becoming Europe-leader in innovation.

Today's meeting confirmed our shared vision of common action between technological leaders in Europe to find solutions to these challenges. I am pleased that we will work together for policies that support the innovation ecosystem, support talents, create conditions and investments for the growth of European startups.

We will update you on action points in next months.


Stretnutie s pani štátnou tajomníčkou Ministerstva zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitosti, Ingrid Brockovou


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