High-octane mobile app development
Adam Okruhlica
Adam Okruhlica is a dad of 2, CEO of 70.
Agile connoisseur. Certification speedrunner. Never used a to-do list. Always busy, rarely overwhelmed. On a mission to reach inbox zero by 2050. Prioritizing by value. People over processes. Ideas over dashboards. Contribution over effort. Spent eight Christmas holidays tweaking algorithms. Three weeks hiking across Slovakia. Configured a JIRA. Still happily married. "Best Dad" paper medal winner. Effective altruism donor. B-corp wannabe.
Panaxeo is a team of crazy good software engineers developing crazy good digital products. Remote before it was cool.
Un-sucking agile, thank us later. Been making waves with scale-ups and Fortune 500’s since 2019. Panaxeo is especially crazy good at: - Saving your butt with delivery (Delivery destruggling) - Helping you make more money with growth (Team boosting) - Coding your super-awesome software idea (Product take-off).
RaiPay Card Management Wallet
More capable. Redesigned with users in mind.
An Ingenious Mobile App for an Ingenious Parking Solution
Agile Matinée Newsletter
Agile Matinée is a fortnightly curated dispatch by Panaxeo, one Agile topic at a time. We bribe five Agile enthusiasts with croissants and expect them to collect interesting and read-worthy content in return.
Coding Arena
Coding Arena is an especially fun and competitive programming challenge. Try it out, win cool prizes, have fun. Or not. Up to you.