Webinár na tému DSA/DMA

On March 25th, SAPIE together with the AmCham Slovakia organized a webinar which was designed to support expert discussion and stakeholder engagement on the DSA/DMA, bringing together key local CEE and EU policymakers and other stakeholders.

The discussion aimed to support national discussions around the time of publication of the Commission’s proposals and laid ground for cooperation and dialogue between key public private and public stakeholders on this topic.

Realising that the projected Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act will directly affect us as an industry, we are obliged to voice our views in regard to development of these regulations. We believe a productive conversation is required so that we are able to accurately assess the impact of regulations on Central and Eastern European business.

It is essential that the new legislative measures being prepared, especially at European Union level, aim to remove barriers and create a true digital single market and to remove obstacles to the rapid use of technological innovation. This will enable Slovakia and the European Union to catch up with leaders in technological development.


Siada El Ramly, Director General, DOT Europe, TBC
Benedikt Blomeyer-Bartenstein
, Director EU Policy, Allied for Startups
Ján Oravec, State Secretary (Deputy Minister), Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Ivan Štefanec, Member of the Europeann Parliament
moderator: Lucia Yar, EurActiv


Meet & Learn Vol. 15: Vytváranie inovačného ekosystému v meste Bratislava


Meet & Learn Vol. 14: Umenie efektívnej expanzie