Webinár na tému DSA/DMA 12/2020

On December 14th, SAPIE together with the AmCham Slovakia organized a webinar which was designed to support expert discussion and stakeholder engagement on the DSA/DMA, bringing together key local CEE and EU policymakers and other stakeholders.

The discussion aimed to support national discussions around the time of publication of the Commission’s proposals and laid ground for cooperation and dialogue between key public private and public stakeholders on this topic.

Following the Commission's proposal that was released on December 15th, SAPIE plans to discuss particular consequences of this proposal with national and international stakeholders, policy-makers and business representatives in January 2021.

The DSA and DMA are important for the digital future of Europe. We agree there is a need for a regulatory framework that provides greater clarity on the responsibilities of digital platforms, promotes consumer choice online, and encourages business customers to make more use of the internet to the benefit of the European economy at large. In short, in SAPIE we want more not less for Slovak consumers and businesses.


Meet & Learn Vol. 13: Kyberhygiena alebo základne pravidlá ako si “nezašpiniť” svoju digitálnu identitu


Meet & Learn Vol. 12: Budovanie organizačnej kultúry postavenej na vnútornej motivácii, dôvere a iniciatíve.